Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bangkok and Siem Reap in Video!

Hello, Bloggerland. So I've already posted extensive pictures and explanations about my Chinese New Year trip to Cambodia via Bangkok, but I'd forgotten that Lillian took some videos during our trip! They're pretty random, but I enjoyed watching them and reminiscing. Maybe these videos will give you a slightly better idea of what our trip was like.

Bangkok 1: In a Restaurant. This is when we got with Peter and hit up a sweet Thai restaurant. As Peter will tell you (kind of), we were in the area Victory Monument, so they named the restaurant Kitchen Monument. I also learned that Lillian is very tricky and will pretend to be taking a picture of you being a pirate when she's actually making a video. So tricksy!

Bangkok 2: On the River. This is a video of us riding a boat down one of Bangkok's many rivers. I tell you the many reasons you should visit Thailand, and we show you a sampling of our breakfast.

Bangkok 3: Wat Po Rap. After our river ride, we visited the Wat Po temple. A lady was collecting coins from these metal jars, and she was making a very nice rhythm with the clinking coins. Unfortunately, when I started rapping, the beat wasn't quite consistent. Here I debut my "wonderful" rapping skillz. I bet you never knew.

Phnom Penh: Tuk Tuk Troubles. This video shows our relief at finally getting a tuk tuk to the Russian Market for three dollars. Unbeknownst to us, we were neither heading towards the market nor getting away with just paying three dollars. But whatevs, right?

Siem Reap 1: Night Market. This video will show you the Siem Reap Night Market as well as give you a taste of traditional Khmer music. P.S. I didn't actually buy anything from that stall.

Siem Reap 2: Khmer Folk Dance Performance. This is a basket dance that shows a cute little flirtation. Very cool. And I love the girls' pants! They look super comfy.

K, that's all I got. Enjoy.

P.S. After much fussing, I finally figured out how to make the links work again! Yeah me! But seriously, I'm blogger illiterate. I don't know how to do anything cool, so this is really a big accomplishment for me. You should be proud.

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