Monday, September 20, 2010

Music Monday: Rainy Day Melodies

There's not much of Monday left, for me at least. You know what's funny? I didn't listen to music all day. Even though I LOVE music, every once in awhile (in a LONG while) I go through a no-music phase. Once, my junior year of college, I didn't listen to music for three weeks! THREE WEEKS! That's pretty major for me. Needless to say, I'm feeling rather uninspired for Music Monday.

I did try to think about it. The one thing that did interest me was rain music. It seems to me that most people have a certain kind of music that they like to listen to when it's raining. Right now we're at a Typhoon 3 watch (which means a typhoon is near and could come close) so there's lots of rain that comes with the proximity of the typhoon. I have a very bad habit of forgetting my umbrella when I go out. If it's a nice day, I definitely don't want to take it; I hate the extra weight it adds to my purse. But when there's a typhoon nearby, the clouds are dark, and my father warned me that very morning to take an umbrella, I don't have much of an excuse.

I went to work to observe a class, and I got a little wet on the way in. On the way back to the mini-bus, the rains were bordering torrential. I finally broke and bought a cheap, purple umbrella. I hate to be TOO wet when I usually have to share a seat with someone on the mini-bus.

I finally made it to the mini-bus stop and waited in a line that stretched in front of a children's shoe store, a maternity fashion store, a 7-11, and a BBQ restaurant with roasted duck carcasses (complete with feet and bills) hanging in the window. When the bus finally came, I was, happily, one of the last people to fit on the bus.

On the way home, I kept thinking about rain music. What is my rain music? Rain generally makes me feel more mellow, and I like melancholy mellow music. I would choose Gary Jules' "Mad World", an oldie but a goodie. Also, I recently came across some of Demon Hunter's acoustic versions of songs that are quite wonderful. Even a friend who is a mellow/folk music enthusiast liked the Demon Hunter songs, so no worries! Here's some links, if you care to listen. The first is Gary Jules, if you somehow missed it and its music video. The other two are the DH songs.
So what about you guys? What is your rainy day music of choice?

1 comment:

  1. Hm. I listen to soundtracks about 90% of the time, so there's certain ones that are more mellow than others (including but not limited to the new Sense & Sensibility). The Bourne 'tracks work wonderfully for normal downpours, but I reserve The Dark Knight for truly stormy weather. I pretty much have the new Emma on repeat for sunny mornings.


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