Monday, October 3, 2011


I went to First Presbyterian today for church. The church is only three blocks away from our apartment, so my roommate and I walked together. It was slightly cool yet very sunny. I wore my orange and brown fire scarf.

I noticed in the bulletin that they have a Bible study on Sunday nights. I've been wanting to go to a Bible study for a long time, so I decided to go. I don't know if I'll be able to keep going since I might be working on Sunday nights (more on that later), but I was happy to finally get to one.

When I first got there, I almost thought that I had mistakenly crashed a seniors Bible study, since almost all of them were older, but there was one younger lady there as well. For the first few minutes, we discussed something of vital spiritual importance: (American) football. The leader is an avid Saints fan, and she was happy that they won. I'm not really into football, but of course I support the Broncos by default, through rain or shine. Apparently it was rain this weekend.

Finally, someone passed around some little maps of the Mediterranean, signaling the start of the study. They're going through Revelation and were starting chapter two. Chapter two is a bunch of letters to the seven churches written by John, and we focused on the letter to the Ephesians.

I really enjoyed the whole study, but what stuck out to me was the end. We talked about how churches and people always err on the side of too much truth or too much love. Both things are very important, but too much of each thing isn't good. If you care a lot about truth, that's great, but you need to be careful that you present it in a loving, tactful manner. If you err on the side of love, that's awesome, but be careful that you're not glossing over the truth just to avoid conflict.

Wisdom, is the marriage of truth and love. It's knowing what is right, when's the right time to bring it up, and what's the right way to say it. That's what I want. I'm sure it'll be a lifelong process, but becoming wise is definitely on my bucket-list.

1 comment:

I like comments just as much as fresh guacamole and chips! Well, maybe not quite that much...