Friday, January 8, 2010

Lord Have Mercy

Lord have mercy.

This is a prayer that is often said in the church I've been attending, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. It is often said three times in a row to reflect the Trinity.

A friend went along with me one Sunday to visit the church. When we talked about it later, the thing that stuck with him was the "Lord have mercy" prayer. Even though he isn't orthodox, he said that he had said it many times over the past week.

What is it about this prayer? What makes it so special?

I think there is something to be said in its simplicity. In saying this prayer, we don't have to worry about sounding good or making the words come out right. We are not imressing anyone with our eloquence. In fact, we are admitting the fact that we don't have it all together, we need his help.

This prayer is for both the good times and the bad times. In times have hardship, may the Lord have mercy on us to give us strength and bring us comfort. May he have mercy on our weaknesses and build us up. In times of happiness, may the Lord keep us walking in his path and shelter us from harm. May his will be done in our lives.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I have not written in a long time. I guess I'm not really much of a blogger anyway. But oh well.

Although this whole blog is called The Life Intentional, I have missed that most of last semester. The summer was such a great time with God. I was often lonely (yes, even with all the people around), but God was so close. Every morning I woke up early to read the Bible and pray. I prayed and tried to make every act a service to God. Many nights before bed I wrapped myself in a quilt, looked at the stars, and prayed and meditated on God. It was amazing.

But then I went back to school. It was coming down from the mountain, both literally and figuratively. Part of it was refusing to adapt to change. Part of it was getting caught up in business. And part was a refusal to live the way I could and should.

Not to say that this semester was a total waste; it wasn't that at all. I've learned many things. I've had my ups, times when I listened, times when I prayed. I've started going to a church that has been challenging me and teaching me new things. But I've had more downs than ups.

I am tired of my self-centeredness, my lack of love, and the way I ignore God. I want that to stop! Although the fact that it is New Year's Day is a coincidence, I do hope that this year will be different. I want to be alive again. I want to live intentionally like I know I should. For this I pray.

Lord have mercy.